Histology Survey
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What is the biggest problem you have in BLOCK MANAGEMENT?
Go for it!  Tells us what the problems are and your solutions!
What is the biggest problem you have in SLIDE MANAGEMENT?
Provide any details and solutions you might have.
What is your job title?
Please pick the title that is closest to your position
What is the biggest problem that you have in DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT
Give as much detail as you wish.  If you had a magic wand, how would you fix it?
How many cases do you do a year?
Include surgical path, cytology (non-gyn only), hematology. Don't spend too much time.  A good guess is sufficient.
What is your biggest problem in INVENTORY MANAGEMENT?
Heck...what bugs you about inventory?  How would you fix it?
How many different histology lab sites are in your system / hospital / practice?
Count up the different histology labs and give a number.
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