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What is your name? *
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How does a memory begin? *
1 point
What do you need to do to a sensory memory to bring it to short term memory? *
1 point
Which of the following is not an example of a long term memory? *
1 point
Which of the following is NOT a way to get a memory from working memory into long term? *
1 point
You are asked to remember 10 words.  Later, you can remember the 1st 3, but not the rest.  What is this known as? *
1 point
Why do those London cab drivers have such a large hippocampus? *
1 point
What is an example of semantic memory *
1 point
What is true of procedural memory? *
1 point
Describe an episodic memory that you have.   Make sure it is one that we can share with others! *
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