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REWILD 5.0: Bodypeace, Application (Sept 12-15 at the Sanctuary, East Hadaam, CT)
Hello love,

Please complete this application so we can find out if REWILD 5.0: Bodypeace (Sept 12-15 at The Sanctuary in East Hadaam, CT) is an excellent fit for you on your Path.

Before applying, please look at everything included +  testimonials at

If accepted, we'll reach out to you via Instagram DM to book a quick 30-minute *vibe check* Zoom call and get you enrolled.

Big Love,

Shelby + Ashley
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Email *
What is your full name? *
Preferred phone number? *
Instagram handle?  *
How did you hear about REWLD? *
Tell us the story of your spiritual awakening journey + how you got started on the Path.

We would love to hear what experiences, lineages, teachers, practices, tools, modalities, communities, etc that have been an integral part of your journey.
Why are you longing to REWILD?  *
Please share your experience in doing healing work in community (if any) / groups.

Have you ever invested in an experience like this? What was that like? What did you love about it? What could have been improved to make your experience better?

If this is your first group healing experience (yay!), what excites you most about being witnessed in your process?
What is your relationship to the Feminine like?

Including The Archetypal Mother, Sister, Witch, Goddess and anything else that arises.
What is your relationship with your naked body like? *
What is your relationship to your subtle body / subtle sensing like? *
If you could wave a magic wand and have anything from this immersion, what would it be? *
Do you have dedicated 1:1 support in your life (therapist, coach, mentor, teacher, practitioner, etc)?

If not, what is your support system like? Please be as detailed as possible.
Please describe the self-regulation + self-care tools you practice regularly. 

Examples: breathwork, meditation, grounding practices, exercise, mindful eating, epsom salt baths, co-regulating practices, journaling, 1:1 support, group support.
Please describe your comfort in group settings with women. *
Please describe your comfort level in nature. *
Do you have any experience with expanded state work? (meditation, trance, ecstatic dance, breathwork, or plant medicine) *
Which sleeping option are you choosing? *
What payment option are you interested in? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences? *
Are you able and willing to agree to giving up access to phones and screens for the duration of your time at REWILD?

One of the biggest gifts of REWILD is the gift of dis-connection to media / phones / daily life in order to re-connect to Self + engage in real, intimate relating with kin in person.
Anything else you'd like to share with us? <3
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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