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Mentorship NCF
Mentoring is a relationship that fosters needed support and opportunities for growth for both the mentor and the mentee, as they learn from one another.
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  1. Pray for your mentor and the other mentees who are a part of your group.
  2. Be engaged and an active participant in developing relationships with others in your mentoring group.
  3. Share with your mentor what you seek from a mentoring relationship and your goals for professional practice. 
  4. Understand that your mentor may not have had experience in your particular clinical area and that’s okay. Mentoring goes beyond clinical experiences. It’s more about the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges you will face as a new nursing graduate. There’s a lot of support, wisdom, and insight available from your mentor.
  5. Set aside time for the mentoring process and keep all scheduled appointments with your mentor.
  6. Make the most of your time together with your mentor. Come to your meetings with planned topics for discussion.
  7. Respond in a timely manner to your mentor's questions or feedback. Respond to emails from your mentor within two days of receipt.
  8. Be open and honest with your mentor about your challenges and weaknesses.
  9. Clarify communication with your mentor. If something concerning the mentor needs to be discussed, it should first be discussed within the mentoring relationship. If you need additional support as a mentee, please reach out to either Christy Secor or Lara Kaiser.
First Name
Last Name
Alma Mater
Phone Number *
Can we text you at this number? *
Email *
Email address that you'll use post graduation; NOT school email.
Mailing Address (after graduation)
This helps us pair you with a mentor as local to you as possible. If you don't have an exact address, list at least your city and state if possible.
Social Media Handles (IG, TT, FB, etc...) *
What is the best way to reach you? *
What meeting type do you prefer?
Current (or upcoming) Nursing Role *
What are you hoping to experience in meeting with an NCF mentor? *
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