G7 Fitness app survey
This survey is for the purpose analysing and creating features for a fitnes /workout app.

Your feedback will serve as the blue priont to guide our design and review of possible
thought processes that our potential users might have.

Time: No more than 10 mins
Select your gender
How long have you been going to the gym *
How often do you work out? *
How important is it to have a structured workout plan for when you go to the gym? *
Not important
Very important
How confident are you in terms of types of exercises and machines used in the gym? *
Not confident at all
Expert knowledge
Where do you usually search for exercises/ workouts? *
How often do you use wearable devices when you work out? *
I would use fitness related apps during a workout session. *
Not at all
To what extent does seeing visual progress  motivate you to work out more ? *
Not at all
Significant motivator
Thank you for taking the time to respond to our Survey!
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