MAC Dairy Grant Application
Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom encourages educators to include lessons/experiences about dairy as an important part of agriculture in our state.  This Dairy Grant, offered by MAC in partnership with the Massachusetts Dairy Promotion Board, is an effort to help educators in this process. Each grant is worth $250.

Grant monies may be used for dairy related field trips, materials for dairy lessons, classroom literature about dairy, etc.
A lesson reflecting either dairy nutrition or dairy economics must be submitted to MAC before July 1.  All lessons must include any related worksheets and be correlated with the Massachusetts Curriculum Standards for the grade level.  Permission is given to publish this lesson on the MAC website.

A brief final report is due to MAC on June 1.  This should include a summary of the success of the project, the number of students reached by this project and A spreadsheet of the expenditure of the grant monies.

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Project Title
Project Leader
School Name/District Name
Project Summary/Abstract
150 words or less
Project Address
Mailing Address (if different from project)
Email of Project Leader
Telephone of Project Leader
Objective of the Project
Please describe who the project will benefit
Number of students and age groups of student benefiting from project
Project Start Date
Project End Date
Please give a detailed project time line
Project Verification
Please choose the date of this application
I hereby declare I have the authority to submit this grant on behalf of my school or district.
Please type your full name in the box below
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