Ambassador Application
Unite for the Sea - 2021/2022
First and Last Name *
Your answer
Email Address *
Your answer
Best Contact Phone Number *
Your answer
Age *
Your answer
Name of school you attend *
Your answer
Which island do you live on? *
Name of program you're signed up with... *
Please make sure your parent or guardian fills out the next three questions.  This will confirm they are aware you are applying to become a Unite for the Sea Ambassador.
Parent/Guardian First and Last Name *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Your answer
Below you will find two questions that can be answered by writing a short paragraph, recording a short video, writing a poem, creating a piece of art work (please include a video of you explaining your piece) or any other way you'd like to answer the questions.  We look forward to hearing and seeing your responses.  - Unite for the Sea
Please email videos to
How can YOU help to save the planet?
Your answer
Why do you love the sea? How are you inspired to protect the sea? How can we (our community) protect the sea?
Your answer
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