Online Northwest 2015 Scholarship Application
This year we are offering four scholarships to cover the cost of registration of attending Online Northwest.  Committee members will evaluate all applications with preference for applicants demonstrating financial need and significant benefit from attending the conference.  Additional weight will be given to first-time attendees.

The deadline to submit scholarship applications for Online Northwest 2015 is December 18, 2014.  Applicants will be notified by early January 2015, before the deadline for early bird registration has passed.
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Full name *
Email address *
I have attended Online Northwest before. *
We give preference to applicants who have not attended previously.
I am... *
Choose the category that best describes you.
If you don't fit into any of the categories above, tell us more here.
I work or study at... *
Please write a brief (250 words max) essay describing your reasons for applying for this scholarship and how you plan to use what you learn at the conference: *
We take into consideration both financial need and likely benefits of attending.
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