SMart Boston Collab Vetting Application
SMart Boston Collab (SBC) is an organization that hosts social and educational events in the Boston Area. To ensure that we are keeping our community a safe and welcoming space, we are asking all attendees wanting to attend private social events to go thorough our vetting process. We are always working on refining our vetting criteria to be as inclusive and safe as possible for containing a private, yet growing community.

To be vetted, you will need to provide TWO references who can speak to your etiquette and behavior in kink spaces. If you do not have two references, you are not eligible to be vetted at this time. We highly recommend attending some classes or munches to get to know us and our community before applying to be vetted.

We always encourage folks to get vetted, if it is accessible to them, to have the maximum access to all our events. However, you DO NOT need to be vetted to attend a Rope Share IF you have previously attended a rope class with SBC.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions.

- The SMart Boston Collab Team
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Email *
What name do you like to be called in the scene?
If applicable, what name did you use to register for an event on Eventbrite? If not applicable, please write "N/A".
(optional) What is your social media handle?
Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your experiences in the kink community. *
Why would you like to get vetted to attend SBC events? *
Do you have any past or present consent allegations or concerns that we should be aware of?
If yes, please describe the situation and any steps taken towards repair and accountability. If no, please just write “N/A. 
Please let us know which of the following applies to you. *
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