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To improve educational experience of new immigrants (For Experts)
How might we improve Educational Experience for new immigrants?

Immigration is the reality for millions of people around the world. Life in a new country comes with many challenges: uncertainty, language barriers, resource constraints, and new job markets -- just to name a few. How do newcomers acquire skills and information to adapt environments? How might we improve these educational experience?

So, to improve educational experience of new immigrants, here are some questions for the educators, educational expert or people associated with improving educational experience for new immigrants :
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What is your name?
It's completely fine if you don't want to reveal your name.
We know that age should not be asked but still can you tell us How old you are? *
What is your occupation? *
Your Gender *
Current country you are live in? *
How many years have you been associated with this school/college? *
How is your school/college taking new admission? What is the process? *
What are the common issues that the students face? *
How do you/your staff help students and their parents who are new immigrants(who came from different culture or other state or other country)? *
What’s their emotional quotient when they come to the school/college and enter the class? *
How is the behavior of other students towards newly enrolled students who came from completely different place(i.e. from other state or other country or different culture)? *
Do you/your team take additional classes to support them ? (so that they are on the same page as everyone) *
Does your school perform group activities so that they gel up with each other and progress together? *
Are any assessments conducted to understand the levels of the student before giving admission? *
What are common concerns you hear from the parents of students who are from different place(i.e. from other state or other country or different culture)? *
Do you encourage students to help each other? or do they survive on their own till they make friends? *
Do students from the same background (coming from the same city/state) gang up and quarrel amongst themselves? or do they all live in harmony? *
Do you think that parents' education plays a role in their children's overall education? If yes, then how do you help the students and parents(who never goes to school)? *
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