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2024 CRMPI Weekend Workshops
Thank you for your interest in registering for a weekend workshop at Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute! Please fill out the form below to register.

Please note tuition is $175 for one day or $350 for both days. This fee includes meals and curriculum materials. We offer a $50 discount for residents of the Roaring Fork Valley, as well as $50 off for couples or groups of two ($25/person). Please account for these discounts when submitting your payment, if applicable.

Please pay your tuition by check (mail to CRMPI-- PO Box 631; Basalt, CO 81621) or by PayPal (to If you choose paypal, the total must include processing fees.  For one day, send $180.00.  For two, send $358.70.  Please also include your name and what workshop you are registering for in paypal notes or on your check.

Submission of this form is your registration, but must be accompanied by a deposit to hold your place. We will email you the week before with details regarding logistics and, please feel free to reach out to us at any time with questions, concerns or changes to your registration.

Thanks so much! We look forward to having you!
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Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Are you coming alone or with someone else? (If you are coming with someone, please give us their name here):
Phone *
Which workshop(s) are you signing up for? *
Where do you live?
Do you have any special requests or needs (please include dietary restrictions)?
How did you hear about this course?
What is your motivation for taking this course? *
Please indicate your preferred payment method *
Have you paid? (Please note your spot is not reserved until the deposit is received) *
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