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kc's commissions
i will not draw:
  • furries
  • mecha
  • complicated armor
  • incest, age gaps, blah blah all that
but weapons are OK! also if you play a summoner or scholar in ffxiv i will draw your fairy or summons with no additional cost :)

i will only draw up to 2 characters!! the second characters price will be 50% of the base cost.

i do refrain the right to reject any commission that i am not comfortable with drawing. commissions typically take around 1 to 2 weeks to complete. throughout the commission period i will send the sketch, lines, and colors for updates or revisions!

I CURRENTLY ONLY ACCEPT PAYPAL AS PAYMENT and payment must be provided upfront!
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examples! and my art feed on bluesky
what are you interested in? *
please provide a reference of your character(s) 
(a good example would be like below or a google doc with images featuring multiple angles)
Captionless Image
what pose and expression would you like your character(s) doing and/or having? *
do you have a preference for the simple background? if not leave blank!
which email may i use to contact you during the commission period? (if its the same as above leave blank)
what is the email for your paypal? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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