Introducing Blackboard Collaborate - 15 April, 14:00-15:00
This demonstration session will introduce Blackboard Collaborate, a new tool that can be used to facilitate online synchronous teaching practices, such as webinars and small group conversations. Blackboard Collaborate can be accessed on or off campus and can be used inside and outside of Blackboard sites.

This session will introduce the interface, explain some of the functionality, demonstrate key features, and explain use cases  in a SHU context. There will be an opportunity to discuss how this tool might work in your context.

nb. In order to hear the audio during the session you will need headphones or speakers. If you wish to speak yourself during the session you will need a headset with microphone or a separate microphone; if you do not have a microphone you can still communicate with the participants and moderators using the text-chat option.

This session will take place:
Monday 15 April 2013, 14:00-15:00
Online, link will be sent to participants
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