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Argos usability questionnaire

We have just launched a newer version of Argos ( and we are looking to gather some feedback from you!

Argos provides a dynamic environment for collaborative writing of Data Management Plans (DMPs) that:

- allows for DMPs to have many Dataset templates so that data collected, generated, reused in research are described in many ways, e.g. for projects with multiple funding sources (and requirements!).

- provides a necessary distinction between DMPs and Datasets. A DMP can consist of more than one Datasets reflecting the amount and diversity of data types collected/ generated/ reused and the different scope they serve within the given research.

- supports publication and citation of DMPs in a FAIR manner by assigning DOIs and licenses on DMP outputs and their deposit in Zenodo.

- supports DMPs as living documents through versioning.

- supports cloning of DMPs and/ or cloning of Datasets for further modification and use in different contexts and/ or DMPs.

- contributes to the OpenAIRE Research Graph by creating DMP properties and identifying their relationships with other research outputs and artifacts.

- enhances validation processes for information provided in its content, as it is gradually integrated with  OpenAIRE underlying services.

- conforms to machine actionable principles as identified by the global research data community (RDA DMP Common Standard).

More information about Argos roadmap is available at:

Want to share your thoughts/ comments/ objections/ opinions of Argos new features and shiny look & feel? Please fill in the questionnaire below!
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Email *
What is your role? *
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Please rate how strongly you agree / disagree with the following statements:
Why would you choose Argos for creating your DMPs? *
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Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
It is a useful tool
It makes collaborative writing and publishing of DMPs easier
It gives research managers/ researchers the flexibility of reusing Datasets to different DMPs
It applies best practices in line with the global research data community
I prefer the use of other DMP tools instead
Ease of Use
Please rate how strongly you agree / disagree with the following statements:
What are you thoughts from using Argos? *
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
It is easy to navigate around and intuitive to use
It is easy to create DMPs and Datasets quickly wherever you are
It has all basic functionalities that I need
I didn't notice any inconsistencies as I used it
I can use it without any written instructions
Please rate how strongly you agree / disagree with the following statements:
How comfortable are you in using Argos? *
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Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
It is easy to learn how to use it
It is easy to remember how to use it
I learned to use it quickly by following instructions and by reading the FAQs/Glossary
Help and extra documentation was provided where/when necessary
I found myself being confused of some features a couple of times
It would be nice if there were additional tutorials for beginners showing how to use it
Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following statements:
What are Argos strongest features? *
Captionless Image
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
Strongly Agree
Everything! I am overall satisfied with the tool
I find the design and layout appealing
The distinction between DMP editor and Dataset editor is a nice touch to the tool
Assigning DOIs and publishing DMPs
The ability to retrieve information on re-used data such as the exact dataset files that are re-used
It provides complete and accurate documentation
Collaborative writing of DMPs
Keeping track of different versions of DMPs
I would recommend it to my colleagues
Happy to know about additional comments or ideas that you may have concerning Argos development!
Did you experience any challenges while using ARGOS?
Do you have anything else to add?
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