Choosing a Faith Community
Church leaders want to hear from you about your reasons for participating in a faith community. I am Tim Sensing, Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University. I am merely the ear for church leaders to hear about the choices you make. My agenda is simple--I want to make your voice heard. Working with me to gather and communicate the results of this survey are several of your peers who also care deeply about the topic. Thank you for participating. After a few demographic questions, I will ask only one question that is intended to be open enough that you can put in your own words your perspectives and insights. All the questions are optional. The poll will close August 1, 2013.
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How big is the city you live in
How would you describe the geographic location of where you live?
How would you describe your faith community?
Current Denomination or Religious Tradition
For example, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Church of Christ, Baptist, non-denominational, etc...
How would you describe your level of participation?
1. Not involved or none; 2. Sporadic at best; 3. Loosely Connected; 4. Regular Participant; 5. Fully Engaged
Not involved or none
Fully engaged
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The top reason why I picked my faith community is?
If you are still seeking a faith community, choose the most important reason that will influence your choice. You can add a category, nuance your answer or indicate multiple reasons in the open ended question below.
Why do you or do you not participate in a faith community?
Your chance to let church leaders know your heart, perspectives, and counsel.
If you desire to receive any information about how this data is used, give us your email address and our team will send out periodic notifications.
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