Joanna Lewis Pilates / Nordic Walking
Physical Exercise Readiness Questionnaire
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Name *
Address *
eMail Address *
Mobile Phone Number *
Home Phone Number *
Has a GP ever said that you have a heart condition and recommended only medically supervised activity? *
Do you experience chest pain brought on by physical activity? *
Have you experienced any chest pains in the last month? *
Do you ever lose consciousness or fall due to dizziness? *
Do you have any bone or joint problems that are aggravated by physical activity? *
Has a GP ever recommended any medication for high blood pressure or a heart condition? *
Are you aware through your own experiences or from a GP’s advice of any other reason why you should not exercise without medical supervision *
Do you have any known allergies *
Pre-existing medical conditions *
Are you currently on any medication *
I understand that my body’s reaction to exercise is not totally predictable. Should I develop a condition that affects my ability to exercise I will inform Joanna Lewis, or her representative, immediately and stop exercising if necessary. *
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