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Josie BB Commission Interest & Lottery Form
Hello! Please fill out this form if you intend to commission me, Josie BB (, or to enter the monthly lottery for a free pixel art commission. If you enter the lottery, you will be kept in the drawing until you are picked.

I reserve the right to turn down commissions for any reason. Your work may or may not be displayed on my portfolio site or social media accounts. I am not currently seeking any commercial or branding projects but i would love to draw your indie project's album cover or book cover as long as you tell me that's what I'm doing.
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Email *
Name. (Pronouns too, if you like.)
Any other contact information or preferences? If email is fine, you can leave this blank. I can generally accommodate most communication platforms (text message, phone calls, Discord, Signal, Instagram, etc.).
Once monthly, I intend to select a random interested commissioner to do a free pixel art commission. Would you like to be considered for the commission lottery?

If you are looking to pay for a commission, prices will be on the next part of the form.

Please note: if you win and I can't get in contact with you within the first week of the month, I will select someone else for that month. Once someone else is selected, you will be made "next in line" for the following month once you reach back out to me. if you are not drawn for the month you enter, you will be kept in the running until you are selected.
What are you looking for in a commission from me? Be as detailed or simple as you would like. What you're looking for doesn't necessarily need to be like something from my portfolio but you can use that as a reference point. I will ask follow-up questions as necessary. 

For pixel art commissions, please see below for reference on resolution/color.
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