Winter School Registration
Use this form to register your interest in attending the Winter School. Places are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
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First name *
Enter your first name
Second name *
Enter your surname or family name
Email address *
Retype email address *
Telephone *
Your nationality *
Dietary requirements
Enter the details of any dietary requirements you may have. We will do our best to accommodate them, but it may not be possible.
Registration costs and visa requirements
The cost of registration is Rs1500 for Indian participants. Overseas participants pay Rs 5000 for early registration before 1st Jan 2017, after which time the fee is Rs 6000. Registration fees must be paid on arrival using a Demand Draft (for Indian participants) or Mandate Form (overseas participants).

If you do not hold an Indian passport you will need to obtain a TOURIST visa to enter the country, and are expected to make your own enquiries into how to do this.
Terms and conditions *
By clicking "I agree", you are agreeing to pay the full cost of registration on arrival, as described above. In addition, you accept that the advertised program may be subject to change.
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