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Training & Presentation Request Form
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NOTE: We are limiting in-person community trainings. This decision is guided by our goal to protect the health & safety of our staff, clients and the larger community. We are shifting our efforts to developing online training content during this time. To get updates about our events and other events being offered by our service partners, you can sign up for our monthly e-newsletter at
Thank you for considering House of Ruth Maryland for your training needs. Please complete this form to request a presentation. Someone from our Training Institute will contact you within two business days to follow-up on your request. The topics provided below are suggestions based on common requests. We would also be happy to customize a training to meet your needs.
Contact Name *
Contact Job Title
Contact Email *
Phone Number *
Organization Name *
Organization Address *
Training Topics (all trainings require at least 60 minutes) *
In your own words, what would be beneficial for House of Ruth Maryland to cover over the course of this training? *
Date of Requested Presentation *
Start Time of Requested Presentation or Event *
End Time of the Requested Presentation or Event *
Presentation Location *
We are also happy to provide a training space at our Community Engagement Center located at 2521 N. Charles Street, depending availability.
Approximate Audience Size *
Additional Notes on Audience
Parking Directions
Special Accommodations Needed (ADA, dietary, etc.)
Equipment You Are Able to Provide
How did you hear about us? *
Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
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