Type your name in the Digital Signature Space below.
I hereby certify that I am qualified for active membership by my current or former status as a business, professional, or community leader, or as a Rotary Foundation alumnus, and by having a place of business or residence within the Hubbard Rotary Club's surrounding area. I understand that, if accepted for membership, it will be my duty to exemplify the Object of Rotary in all my daily contacts and activities and to abide by the constitutional documents of Rotary International and the club. I agree to pay any admission fees required by the club and to pay annual dues in accordance with the club bylaws. I hereby give permission to the club to publish my name and proposed classification, if applicable, to its membership. Fees: $100/QTR. By Submitting this application you understand that you are agreeing to the bylaws of the Rotary Club of Hubbard and the fees associated with membership. Nonpayment could leave your membership in poor standing and jeopardize your ability to join another Rotary Club in the future.