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Podcast Interview Guest
Hey there! I am so excited that you are interested in being a guest on my podcast Psych Talk. If you haven't already given my podcast a listen, Psych Talk is everything psychology, mindset, and self-growth. My podcast is not only for other mental health professionals, but for anyone who is interested in psychology, mindset shifts, and bettering themselves through applying skills and tools shown to enhance overall well being.

My goal with inviting guests on is having professionals in the field discussing topics that they are experts on and are passionate about to broaden the content of my podcast and provide perspectives and knowledge I would not otherwise be able to bring to my listeners. Even if you are not a professional in the field, but have a knowledge and passion for a psychology-related topic, I would love to chat to see if working together would be a good fit.

Please fill out the information below and I will get back to you by email as soon as possible.

Name *
Email *
Instagram Handle *
What is your degree/license? (If you are not in the mental health field, indicate that here). *
What is your area of specialty?
What topic would you want to discuss on the podcast? *
Any other questions, concerns, or comments?
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