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CSE 490R : Mobile Robots
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UW NetID *
Are you comfortable with Linux (Ubuntu) and command line tools? *
Not comfortable / Never used it
Very comfortable
Have you used ROS before? *
Never heard of it
Use it frequently
Prior experience with distributed systems / multi-processing concepts? *
Unfamiliar / Limited experience
Very familiar / Work on distributed systems regularly
Familiarity with Python *
Never used it
Very familiar / Use it frequently
Familiarity with Numpy *
Never used it
Very familiar / Use it frequently
Prior experience with probability *
Uncomfortable / Rare use
Very comfortable / Regularly use
Prior experience with linear algebra *
Uncomfortable / Rare use
Very comfortable / Regularly use
Prior experience with differential equations *
Uncomfortable / Rare use
Very comfortable / Regularly use
Prior experience with graph search *
Uncomfortable / Rare use
Very comfortable / Regularly use
How comfortable are you with electrical systems? *
Uncomfortable / Rnsure
Very comfortable
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