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National Day of Action for Fair Districts
For decades, whichever party is in charge has often taken the opportunity to draw districts to keep themselves in power, undermining the voters' right to hold them accountable at the ballot box. Barring court action, the districts drawn this year will stay in place for 10 years and will determine whether North Carolinian voters' voices are heard at the ballot box or continue to be suppressed by gerrymandering.

We need a truly open, participatory, and transparent process with clear criteria that bar political data for the coming redistricting of our congressional and legislative districts. You can help us get that!

Calling legislators' offices is the most effective way to send them a message. Join us to call your own legislators, the members of the redistricting committees, and the leadership (your choice!). We'll provide the contact information, a basic script, talking points, and background info.

If we don't keep the pressure on, they're likely to use the Covid emergency as an excuse to draw hyper-partisan maps outside public view. Demand better!

While we are encouraging everyone to contact their legislators throughout the day, we’ll have a special zoom program from 1:00 to 2:00 featuring sponsors of the current redistricting reform legislation and information on the bills.  Then, from 2:00 to 2:30, we’ll have an optional short training on making calls to the legislature, going over the script and answering any questions. After that, we’ll have people in the zoom room until 3:30, ready to provide support, answer questions, hear about your calls, or just chat. Please join us for the wrap-up and celebration at 3:30 to hear from more of our legislative colleagues and other supporters. Here’s the summary:

1:00 PM – Welcome, Overview, Statements from Legislators

2:00 PM – Training on calling legislators’ offices (what to expect, script, etc.)

3:30 PM - Conclusion, Celebration, Next Steps
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Name of Your NC State Legislator (House) if you know it (or we can look it up for you)
Name of Your NC State Legislator (Senate) if you know it (or we can look it up for you)
Anything else we should know? Special skills? Availability? Training needs?
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