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ABCDE ZK Hacker Camp

Please fill out this form to register for the ABCDE ZK Hacker Camp. 

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Your full name *
The name you want to be called and shown
Your Email
The organization (company or university) you are currently affiliated with
Your current job role
Your experience in programming
The programming languages you are most familiar with
Your Github
Your Telegram (if you have one), so that we can establish a communication group
How well do you comprehend Zero Knowledge Proof? *
What zero-knowledge proof libraries have you used (if any)?
The ZK research topics that you are most interested in (e.g. zk-ML). *
What is your reason for studying ZK?
Your working time zone
Where did you hear about ABCDE ZK Hacker Camp?
What do you hope to learn from ABCDE ZK Hacker Camp?
Your educational background
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