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Dog Fostering / Interest Form (MEXICO)
Thank you for your interest in fostering a dog - there are an endless number of dogs suffering abuse and neglect on the streets of the Mayan Riviera.  Fostering is a HUGE part of the solution in getting the pup healthy and ready for adoption into a forever family.  

Fostering with Re/Vida provides the framework so that you aren't doing it alone, you become part of community of like minded people who actively participate in saving lives.  We manage the medical care of each pup, taking their health very seriously as traveling for adoption has a lot of moving parts and health regulations.  (Majority of our pups are adopted abroad.)

Fostering is ideal when you want to help short-term but cannot commit to adopting a dog (which is a long-term 10-15 year long commitment!).  

**Important Disclaimer: fostering does not give you the right to adopt the dog or keep it.  If you have an interest in adopting, please ask us ASAP and we will tell you if the dog has a pending adoption application.  We will do our best to accommodate, but ultimately we make the decision that is best for the dog.

Please respond to the questions below to help us understand your current reality and match you with an appropriate pup!

Please join our whatsapp group for fostering via this link:

Si no habla inglés, encuentre la encuesta en español aqui:

Lastly, please note that this form does not ensure for you to be matched with a rescue pup, we always make decisions based on what's best for the dog.
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