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APLC Rental Request Application
In consideration of renting First Tee Pittsburgh facilities, the applicant must provide the information requested below in addition to any follow-up information required for management to evaluate the proposed rental.  Completion of the application is not acceptance of the proposed rental event and is subject to approval by First Tee Pittsburgh management, in addition to execution of a Use Agreement.  
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Email *
Name *
Best Phone *
Type of Event
Address *
Event Type *
What is the date of your event? *
Time Event begins (including set-up) *
Time Event ends (including clean-up) *
Number of people expected to attend *
Estimated Length of Rental *
Which space are  you interested in renting? *
Will your event be open to the public? *
Will minors be present? *
Will an admission fee be charged? *
Will there be music? *
Will food be served? *
Will alcohol (beer and/or wine) be served?  If so, you must purchase Alcohol Liability Insurance from us for only $100.  If you plan to serve liquor (whiskey, vodka, etc...), you must ALSO have a certified and insured bartender to make sure nobody is over-served.  *
If you do plan to serve alcohol, please select an option below.
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Please tell us a little more about your plans for your rental.  How do you see things working as far as set-up, tables needed, chairs needed, etc?
Where did you hear about our new rental space at the Arnold Palmer Learning Center?
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I am an authorized agent of the organization submitting this application.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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