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Abstract Submission
Please complete this form accurately. Your entries will be used to create the Meeting Program. Please check spelling of all names and check grammar, spelling and punctuation of the abstract. If you have a special character that can not be found using this form, please email a WORD document to and include your presentation title as the subject line.
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Email *
Presenter *
What is the name of the individual that will be presenting
email Address *
What is your email address should we need to contact you?
Affiliation *
What school are you attending?
Level *
Please indicate your educational level
Other Authors
If there are other authors, please list their names and, if different from your own, their affiliation.
Title *
What is the title for your presentation?
Abstract *
Your abstract must be less than 250 words and will be published in the meeting program.
Category *
Please select a category for your presentaion.
Additional Information
Please tell us if there are special requirements needed for your presentation or additional information you wish to provide.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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