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+2 Accountancy Self assessment Test        Chapter 1 Accounting  for Not for Profit Organisations
+2 Accountancy Self assessment Test

Prepared by
Saidalavi P
HSST Commerce
MES HSS Irimbiliyam
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Answer All Questions . Each Question Carries 1 Mark
Total Score 30
1. The Receipts and payments account is a  _______ account *
1 point
2. Income and Expenditure Account is a _________ account *
1 point
3. The Revenue account prepared by a not-for-profit organisation is called ______________ *
1 point
4. The Receipts and payment account contains  ______ *
1 point
5. Income and Expenditure A/c records transactions of   ______ nature. *
1 point
6. Choose the odd one out from the following                                                                                                         *
1 point
7. The excess of income over expenditure of a NPO is called ______. *
1 point
8. The amount received by a Non-profit organisation as per the will of a deceased person is called  ________. *
1 point
9. Specific donation is   ______ *
1 point
10. Income and Expenditure A/c is prepared in order to ascertain  _______ *
1 point
11. ______represents the excess of the assets over liabilities. *
1 point
12. Match the following *
10 points
Income and Expenditure account
Balance sheet
General Donation
Specific Donation
Life membership fee
Sale of news paper
Match fund
Rent paid
Locker rent received
13.Subscription received in advance is __________ *
1 point
14. Subscription outstanding is _________ *
1 point
15. Out of the following items, which one is shown in the Receipts and Payments Account? *
1 point
16. Capital fund is calculated: *
1 point
17. In not-for-profit organisation, excess of expenditure over income is called : *
1 point
18. Subscription received during the year ₹ 50000 . Subscriptions outstanding at the end of the year ₹ 8000. Subscription outstanding at the beginning of the year ₹ 6,000. Net Income from subscription will be *
1 point
19. Subscription received during the year ₹ 1,80,000 Subscriptions outstanding at the end of the year ₹ 20,000 Subscriptions received in advance at the end of the year ₹ 10,000. The amount of subscription to be credited to Income and Expenditure Account will be: *
1 point
20. Payment of honorarium to secretary is treated as *
1 point
21. The main object of non-profit organisation is: *
1 point
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