11-15 July 2016
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NAP Expo 2016 : Advancing NAPs post-Paris
This questionnaire is designed to determine your understanding of the issues being discussed at the Expo , specifically on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. We will ask you to complete the questionnaire again at the end of the Expo so that we can assess what you have learned from the various thematic sessions of the 5-day Expo.

This is not a “test” and you will not be “graded” on your performance. Your responses will be strictly confidential and will be used solely for the purpose stated above.

The questionnaire has questions about a wide variety of topics that will be covered in this Expo.  Kindly complete all questions on your own and to the best of your ability.
Name *
Email *
Country *
Organization *
What are your expectations of this NAP Expo? What do you hope to gain by participating in it? *
What is the one thing that you would most like to learn during the NAP Expo?
What kinds of experiences have you had in the process to formulate and implement NAPs or in the absence of it, in any adaptation planning processes and implementation of actions? Please specify below.
What do you understand about NAPs?
Is your country preparing a NAP? If yes, how would you assess you progress?
Clear selection
True or False
Encircle the correct answer
The process to formulate and implement national adaptation plan is only applicable to least developed countries. *
The Green Climate Fund offers two streams of financial support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs. These are through the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund. *
In order to access the readiness programme of the Green Climate Fund, a country must first establish its National Designated Authority (NDA). *
The following financial mechanism for adaptation is established under the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol: Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Least Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF). *
Multiple Choice
Encircle the correct answer.
All of the following are the guiding principles of the NAP process except: *
Which of the following is the dedicated funding support for least developed countries? *
Which of the following decision states the request for the Green Climate Fund to expedite support for the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans and subsequent implementation of policies, projects and programmes identified by them? *
What is a national adaptation plan? *
What is the GEF-funded support programme led by UNDP and UNEP which aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of countries for the iteration formulation of comprehensive NAPs? *
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