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Expression of Interest
Multicultural Youth QLD Statewide Council
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Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Country of Origin *
Language/s spoken
Date of Birth *
Gender *
How many years have you been living in Australia?
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If you weren't born in Australia, how did you come to Australia?
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Tell us a little about yourself *
Why are you passionate about issues affecting multicultural young people in QLD? *
Do you have any experience working with or for young people? *
What are your current commitments (study, work, memberships, community groups etc.) *
Select the skills that you feel you have the most experience in: *
Of the above that you selected can you provide details on 3 of these *
Which of the below topics are you interested in: *
Thank you!
Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by one of our team members.
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