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Educator Registration Form: Hour of Code Create-Along with Scratch and Gitanjali Rao

Join our live Create-Along on December 10th, from 1-2pm ET, on our official YouTube channel.

Educators, register your interest here so we can plan for the experience and keep you informed of the event details. You'll also receive a follow-up email from us with the option to submit a question for our special guest that may be asked during our live create-along.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Educator/Facilitator Name *
School District and City/State/Country *
Approximately how many students will be tuning in? *
What grade level the students will be? *
What is your learner's experience level with Scratch? *
I understand that Scratch Foundation will email me with event information and the option to submit a question that may be asked during our live create-along. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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