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Business Survey (from

The goal of this survey is to share business metrics and strategies so other entrepreneurs can grow their business as well!

This information will be shared through a database other entrepreneurs can search through and learn from (with a link posted at the top of this survey in the near future).

As a thank-you to anyone who takes the time to do so, I'll promote your business on my podcast ("Investey"),  (in addition to the people who'll learn about you through the list that will be shared). 

Within a week, your information will be uploaded to the master list and the link will be posted at the top of this page! (You can always update your information later if you want to make changes.)

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at Sean [at]!

P.S. I'm building an app like TikTok, but at the end of every video, you have to tag a non-profit at the beginning of your description, to help raise awareness. If you'd like to get on the waitlist and join an exclusive beta group in the near future, please visit
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Is there a special way I should pronounce your name? 
(Please spell out phonetically if there is a special way to say it. For example, If you're name is Kristin, but it should be pronounced "Kris-TEEN".)
Business Name *
Email  *
(Please use a business email to help verify you are the owner. This will not be shared publicly on the database. Thanks!)
Are you comfortable with me (Sean Patrick) using and sharing your survey information? 
(We will keep your email confidential.)
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Podcast Introduction - How do you want me to introduce you when I mention your survey information on my podcast?
You can just copy and paste your "About Me" if you'd like ~ This can be as long or short as you'd like - The more "fun facts" the better. When I mention your awesome survey information on the podcast, this is how I'll introduce you. If you don't want me to give additional information introducing you, you can leave this blank.
Do you generate most of your revenue from digital products/services, or with physical products? *
Primary Business Offer *
In as few words as possible (1 sentence max) please summarize your primary offer (product, service, coaching, etc.). If you have multiple offer, please focus on the 1 or 2 primary ones.
Industry *
(How would you describe your industry in just a few words? For example, it could be "fitness coaching", SaaS, "Jewelry", etc.)
You can be as general as you'd like - Ex. 5k+/mo or 60k+/year. This is not a contest, just sharing business metrics to help entrepreneurs!
Business Book Recommendation *
Founded (Year) *
What year was your business created?
Team Size *
Please do not include yourself in the team. If it's just you, please enter "0". Thanks!
Location *
Please enter the country is headquartered in. Bonus points if you add your state or region in parenthesis next to it, such as United States (DC)!     
Funnel Pt. 1 - Where do most of your leads originate from?
Funnel Pt. 2 - Where do your leads go next?
Funnel Pt. 3 - Where do your leads go next?
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Phone Sales *
Do you use phone sales (or virtual sales calls) as part of your funnel?
Any advice or "secret sauce" strategies you can give on what has made this funnel so effective in converting clients? The more specific the better! (It could relate to 1 or more components.)
Feel free to share stories behind the lessons!
Trend Observations - Have you noticed any trends this past year that could benefit other entrepreneurs building their own funnel? (For example, have certain platforms become more or less expensive? Or provided ROI?)
Favorite Charity/Non-Profit? *
Website (or Link Page)
X (Twitter) Handle - If you want us to tag you when it goes live
Questions Below Are Optional, But Super Appreciated! (Thank you!)
P.S. The more information you share, the more popular you will be with the people reading the survey results :) The submit button is at the bottom of the page.
C.A.C. (Cost to Acquire Customer)
If you use paid advertising which one has given you greatest ROI?
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Ad Spend (monthly)?
Ballpark is fine. For example, you could enter 1K+
Ad Spend ROI
Do you have a podcast?
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If you have a podcast, how has it helped you grow your business?
Lifetime ARPU - How much does your average client spend overall (lifetime)?
YoY Growth
As a percentage, how much did your business grow this year?
MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)
If you have been able to consistently make a certain amount per month, can you please share that amount? It can be as vague as you'd like. For example, you can $3k+/month, if it is at least $3,000 dollars per month.
Churn Rate (for SaaS & Memberships)
Anything else you wished we asked you about on the survey? Any interesting stories you'd like to share?
Thank you for your time! Press submit a the bottom and we'll get to work uploading it onto the database and on an upcoming podcast episode.
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