The goal of this survey is to share business metrics and strategies so other entrepreneurs can grow their business as well!
This information will be shared through a database other entrepreneurs can search through and learn from (with a link posted at the top of this survey in the near future).
As a thank-you to anyone who takes the time to do so, I'll promote your business on my podcast ("Investey"), (in addition to the people who'll learn about you through the list that will be shared).
Within a week, your information will be uploaded to the master list and the link will be posted at the top of this page! (You can always update your information later if you want to make changes.)
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at Sean [at] Investey.com!
P.S. I'm building an app like TikTok, but at the end of every video, you have to tag a non-profit at the beginning of your description, to help raise awareness. If you'd like to get on the waitlist and join an exclusive beta group in the near future, please visit