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Be a Book
Thank you for your willingness to share your story with the Human Library community. We could not have a Human Library without the Human Books!

In Human Library, we aim to break stereotypes and prejudice in our society, by providing a safe platform for individuals to have meaningful conversations. Because of the demands of this event, we hope that you could take some time to ponder on the following questions and complete this form. One of our Librarian team representatives will get in touch with you shortly after we review your application.

We truly believe that everyone has their own story to tell and we look forward to reading yours!
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Name *
Age *
Organisation that referred you (if any)
Contact number *
E-mail address *
Why would you like to become a Human Book for us? *
What qualities do you have that would make you a good Human Book? *
Please provide us with examples of prejudices and stereotypes you have faced or experienced in your life? *
What would you like to share with your Readers? (Tell us more about your story) *
Other comments or special needs in order to participate
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