2015 - 2016 Student Survey (Rosano)
Instructions: Thank you for taking this anonymous survey.  When you answer the questions below, think about the experiences in this particular classroom.  Please answer all questions honestly.
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The teacher treats me with respect. *
My teacher challenges me to think and work hard. *
My teacher manages classroom behavior effectively so that time is not wasted and students are productive. *
In-class work helps me better understand what is going on in class. *
Each lesson is introduced with a purpose and how it can be used in the future *
Technology is frequently used throughout this class. *
The teacher is well-organized and prepared for class. *
There are many opportunities for group work and self assessment. *
**My FAVORITE part about this class is.......... *
My LEAST FAVORITE part of this class is..... *
**One recommendation I would make for the future of this course would be *
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