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GV 2024 Survey 
This survey is anonymous so please be as truthful as you want, we're always looking to improve the quality of GV for you! 

Thank you for giving us a few minutes of your time to let us know how we're doing! This helps us make changes where needed or keep the things you're enjoying. 
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What are things you enjoy about GeekVerse from the past year and/or want us to continue to do more of? 
What are some things we can improve on? Whether it be technical or content wise? Whether it is overall or with a specific show/series?
What type of content would you like see? More of a current show or special? Shows we use to do but stopped? Or shows we've never done before that you'd like us to dip our toes into?
What show do you listen to the most?
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If you didn't select all of them could you shed some light on why you listen to the shows you do? Also the reasons why you don't listen to the others?
How often do you listen to Retrospectives?
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How often do you listen to Sidequest
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When Travis Told You is running weekly, how often do you listen
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Are there any specific games releasing in 2024 that you would like us to cover?
What is your favourite type of content on Sidequest? (Reviews, News, Rankings, Retrospectives, Games we've been playing (not necessarily new games), other)
Sidequest is generally Dylan + one other host. Do you like this current format or would you like to see other formats more (more than 2 hosts, more variety of guests/hosts, etc)
If Travis Told You continues what should it be? Happy with how the format it is currently? Less news and more overall grander ever green topic? More news and or reviews that are just Travis centric? Or anything else you can think of!
What is your interest in a separate wrestling show hosted by Travis and others that's a deeper dive than just a segment in Travis Told You ? It almost happened last year but due to circumstances couldn't happen.

I would love to do it but if the audience isn't there that's completely fine, just would want to know before time is invested, thank you! - Travis
Any other overall thoughts about GeekVerse? Can be about any aspect of the brand, even if you have a question, drop it here!
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