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MSCS Board of Directors - Declaration of Candidacy
Thank you for your interest in joining the Mountain Sage Board of Directors. We know that "many hands make light work". Completing this “Declaration of Candidacy Form” is the first step in the process of joining the MSCS Board. The form invites you to tell the Board about yourself, what excites you about MSCS, and your
interest areas as they relate to the school’s governance. 

The Board’s job is to ensure candidates “reflect the qualities, qualifications and diversity” needed at the Board level to help MSCS move forward effectively. 

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Full Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Are you an MSCS parent or guardian? If so, how many children do you have enrolled in the school?
Have you been involved/volunteered this school year? Please explain *
Relevant Experience and/or Employment: List pertinent professional, volunteer, board of directors, or advisory community board experience. *
Strengths: What strengths will you be able to bring to the Board? What area(s) of expertise/contribution can you make?
Mission: Explain what the MSCS mission means to you. How do you think you could help support it? How would you help further it?
Reason for Serving: Why do you wish to serve on the Board? What do you hope to accomplish as a Board member?
Challenges: In your view, what are the biggest challenges facing MSCS? What suggestions do you have for how MSCS might address them?
Governance Experience: Have you previously served on or worked with a governance board? Did you find this experience to be positive or negative? Why? *
Have you read the "Governing for Greatness" book yet?  *
Area of interest and/or experience. Please check all that apply. *
I have prior experience in this area
I’d like to take a leadership role on this
I'd like to take a supportive role on this
This area doesn't interest me
Financial Oversight: Budgeting, auditing
Fundraising, grant writing
Facility Planning
Community Relations, marketing
Compliance, policies, state regulations, charter school regulations
Accountability: data evaluation towards goals and benchmarks
Strategic Planning
HR: hiring, compliance, evaluating performance
Administrative: maintaining records, scheduling
Meeting facilitation
Inclusive Excellence: diversity training,
Waldorf Education
Anything else you would like to add? 
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