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Distributed Web Gateways Private Beta
Simplify, speed up, and secure access to both the Ethereum network and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

Use Cloudflare's gateways to access the Distributed Web easily, quickly, and securely -- no software required

Serve content hosted on IPFS or interact with an Ethereum distributed app from a custom domain over HTTPS

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Email *
Company Name *
Company Size *
Tell us a bit more about your company and product. *
Are you currently using Eth or IPFS? What kind of scaling challenges, if any, are you seeing? What geographies are your users in?
Tell us a bit more about your current web3 architecture. *
What commercial or open-source platforms do you use? Where is it hosted? Do you support other protocols besides Eth and IPFS? Tell us as much as you're comfortable sharing - we're interested in learning from our customers here!
What is your current number of Ethereum queries per second? *
What is your cumulative daily IPFS transfer amount? *
Any other comments or feedback?
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