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St. Mary Parish Religious Education Registration; 2024-2025
Religious Education Registration Form with Medical Release
Religious Education classes meet:
Grades K-6: Sunday 10:00-10:55 am.                
Grades 7-8: Wednesday 7:00-8:30 pm. Please refer to the Religious Education Calendar, schedule  
Tuition rates are as follows:
There is a family fee of $45.00 per family.  Tuition per child is $55.00
Total Cost for: One Child- $100.00(45.00 family fee/55.00 tuition)
Two children- $155.00 (45.00 family fee/110.00 tuition)
Three children-$210.00 (45.00 family fee/165.00 tuition)
Four children - $265.00 (45.00 family fee/220.00 tuition)
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Email *
Family Last Name and best contact phone# *
Home Address of Children; Street *
City: *
Zip code: *
Where did your child attend Religious Education at last year? *
What parish is your family registered at? *
Father's First & Last name and cell number *
Father's address if different from Child's *
Mother's  first & last name and cell number *
Mother's  address if different from Child's *
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