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[BOOKED OUT] School of Dreams: Tinny Boat Workshop on Bundjalung Country


You are invited to take part in the next School of Dreams Imagination Workshop, on a humble little tinny dreamboat on the river, on Bundjalung Country, Northern Rivers, NSW next week on either Saturday 27 November or Sunday 28 November. These are single workshops, you only need to attend on one of these dates. Exact location TBA, it will depend on numbers.

In this intimate workshop we will look at dreaming as storytelling practice, pulling symbols and narratives from our unconscious, and dreaming with nature — documenting unconscious and conscious moments with water, and navigating colonial story arcs held in these spaces. There will be an hour or so at the end for informal dream sharing, optional swimming and communing with the river.

There is a publication component to this special workshop. The poems / reflections / dreams birthed from this workshop will be published in a special dream journal on the Community Dream Project website. You are encouraged to document your time on the tinny through photography, writing and audio, and reflect on your dream practice after our time together. Publication will take place three weeks following the workshops, and Manisha Anjali will provide gentle editorial guidance throughout this time.

There is a focus on writing, but the workshop is open to artists and non-artists working in any field or discipline. Think of writing as a blueprint for artmaking and life.

The workshop is $65 per person. You will need to bring your own writing materials, hat, sunscreen, water and swimmers (optional). There will be snacks on board, but if you would like something more substantial, feel free to bring a packed lunch. Location will either be on the Tweed or Brunswick River, and will be determined by boat availability and number of people interested.

In the event of rain, the workshop will be cancelled.

This workshop is held by Community Dream Project, a research and documentation platform for dreams visions and hallucinations.

We acknowledge the unceded Sovereign Traditional land that this event takes place on. We acknowledge and pay deep respects to the Minjungbal and Arakwal people of the Bundjalung Nation, and we pay our respects to Custodians of the old ways, today's leaders and the knowledge holders of tomorrow. Thank you for having us on country.
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Dietary Requirements
Accessibility requirements
There will be some moments where this workshop will be photographed, and the photographs will be published on the Community Dream Project website and social media. Participants are also encouraged to document their time on the workshop. Do you agree to be photographed, and for the photographs to be published? *
Life jackets will be provided on the boat. Do you agree that it is your responsibility to wear a life jacket, and that you are attending this workshop at your own risk? *
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