: : Description : :
Please Stay Tuned for ANY TIME CHANGES:-
09:30AM - 12:30PM (approx)
A voice / sound workshop to help release and manifest. Learn and apply body posture for most effective results when sounding…
Sound is way more powerful than most are aware. Silence (and stillness), even more so! … in this workshop we have an opportunity to harness and use the power of silence and stillness to reap the fruits of our own work when sounding…
Silence is far from empty - it is very full and very rich: learn how to use it to “allow”… Get yourself (and your mind) out of the way to release and manifest…
And, of course, we enjoy some playfulness with some simple yet effective musical ideas.
Follow the aftercare suggestions to integrate your experience, and take the most out of your engagement.
Page: https://www.normancristina.com/r2m
: : For YOUR Comfort : :
+ Please bring mats / cushions to sit on (IF POSSIBLE: )
+ Feel free to bring tea, healthy drinks and nibbles to share (if desired)
+ Definitely bring LOTS of water
+ Be free to come with friends and car-pool - the experience is quite vibrant and we’re out in nature with some scenery to enjoy
: : LOCATION : :
See below
: : AS WE GROW ... : :
As the workshop is gaining popularity, there's some new points to consider for further assistance, please:
If you could please bring:-
(1) PICNIC MATS to place on the floor so that we put our yoga mats and cushions on top, it would be amazing
(2) Fruits 🍎 🍌 🍉 and Flowers 💐 🌸 🌺 for altar (& crystals etc if you like)
(3) Thank You for responding to the call to do this amazing work and for inviting others, bring early and cooperating with the organization and timing ⏱ of things