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Ottawa Reformed Church Student Registration 2024-25
You may register up to four children using this form.  There are six sections to this form and if you are registering one - three children, please continue to hit NEXT until you get to section five, the Parent Information Section, to finish filling out the form.  Upon successful completion of this registration form, you will receive a screen telling you that your response has been recorded.  If you are registering more than four children, please complete and submit another response.  If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Bekius at 616.512.9251 x104.
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Student's Personal Information - Child 1
What program are you registering this student for? *
(choose a program from the drop down menu)
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
Student's School
Student's Grade *
Student's Cell Phone Number
Student's Email Address
Special Circumstances
Are there any special circumstances or medical conditions we should be aware of (allergies, disabilities, family situations, etc.)?
Special Circumstances
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