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Am Israel Chai T-Shirt - Fundraiser

We're thrilled to launch a fundraiser for Sheba Medical Center, Israel's largest hospital. Our support is crucial in enabling this center to continue its life-saving work in the light of the war.

How You Can Help: By contributing a minimum donation of $26, you not only aid Sheba vital services but also receive a specially designed Am Israel Chai t-shirt.

Together, let's make an impact and support Sheba's mission during these challenging times. All profits from this fundraiser will be donated to Sheba Hospital.

Thank you for your contribution. 

Fight On & Am Israel Chai!

To learn more about Sheba Medical Center: 

Email *
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone number *
Shirt Size - (S, L sold out) *
Are you a USC student? *
What amount would you like to donate? ($26 minimum for a t-shirt - Venmo @chabadusc)
Where would you like to pick up your shirt? *
If you chose the shipping option, at what address would you like to receive the shirt? (N/A otherwise) *
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