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Speaker Registration
Panoptic is hosting a full-day event around the topic of DeFi Derivatives on March 1st at ETH Denver. There will be multiple panels throughout the day and different speaking opportunities for protocols, VCs, and derivatives trading platforms.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in speaking at our event.

Panoptic is a permissionless way to trade crypto options. We enable options trading on any token, any strike, any size. Our options are perpetual – they never expire. More here:
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Your Name  *
Your Company *
Your Position *
Are you interested in a talk or a panel? *
What topic are you interested in speaking on? *
What would be the title of your talk or panel (you can change this later)? *
What interests you about derivatives?
Links to past panels or speaker profile  *
Are you interested in sponsoring *
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