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Discover Your Mother Archetype 
Welcome to the "Discover Your Mother Archetype" quiz! This interactive journey will help you explore and uncover the unique dynamics of your relationship with your mother. Answer the following questions honestly, and get ready to gain valuable insights into your own mother wound. Let's begin!
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1.  How did your mother respond to your achievements and successes?
Choose the LETTER  that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She celebrated and supported me.
B. She was critical and dismissive.
C. She seemed disinterested or absent.
D. She made me feel guilty for my accomplishments.
2.  How did your mother handle your mistakes or failures?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She offered understanding and encouragement.
B. She blamed and criticized me.
C. She seemed indifferent or unavailable.
D. She made me feel guilty for my shortcomings.
3.  How did your mother express affection and love towards you?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She showed consistent warmth and affection.
B. She was controlling or conditional with her affection.
C. She was emotionally distant or unavailable.
D. She used guilt to manipulate or control my emotions.
4.  How did your mother respond to your independence or autonomy?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She encouraged and supported my independence.
B. She tried to control or restrict my independence.
C. She seemed indifferent or unconcerned.
D. She made me feel guilty for asserting my independence.
5.  How did your mother communicate with you?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She listened attentively and encouraged open communication.
B. She dismissed or invalidated my thoughts and feelings.
C. She was emotionally distant or unresponsive.
D. She used guilt to manipulate or control our conversations.
6.  How did your mother handle your emotions?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She provided comfort and emotional support.
B. She criticized or suppressed my emotions.
C. She seemed detached or uninterested.
D. She used guilt to manipulate my emotions.
7.  How did your mother demonstrate her presence in your life?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She was consistently available and attentive.
B. She controlled or micromanaged my life.
C. She seemed absent or disengaged.
D. She made me feel guilty for needing her.
8.  How did your mother respond to your choices and decisions?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She encouraged and supported my choices.
B. She was critical and controlling of my choices.
C. She seemed disinterested or unconcerned.
D. She made me feel guilty for going against her expectations.
9.  How did your mother handle your emotions?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
Select Best Answer
A. She provided comfort and emotional support.
B. She dismissed or invalidated my emotions.
C. She was emotionally distant or unavailable.
D. She used guilt to manipulate my emotions.
10.  How did your mother meet your needs?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She was dependable and reliable in meeting my needs.
B. She often neglected or ignored my needs.
C. She controlled and micromanaged my needs.
D. She made me feel guilty for having needs.
11.  How did your mother handle conflicts or disagreements?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She encouraged open communication and resolution.
B. She escalated conflicts or shut down communication.
C. She avoided conflicts or emotionally checked out.
D. She made me feel guilty for expressing my opinions.
12.  How did your mother support your personal growth and development?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She encouraged and nurtured my personal growth.
B. She stifled or controlled my personal growth.
C. She seemed disinterested or uninvolved in my growth.
D. She made me feel guilty for prioritizing my growth.
13.  How did your mother handle boundaries and respect for your autonomy?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
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A. She respected my boundaries and autonomy.
B. She violated or disregarded my boundaries.
C. She seemed indifferent or unaware of boundaries.
D. She made me feel guilty for setting boundaries.
14.  How did your mother respond to your achievements and successes?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
Select Best Answer
A. She celebrated and supported me.
B. She was critical and dismissive.
C. She seemed disinterested or absent.
D. She made me feel guilty for my accomplishments.
15.  How did your mother handle your emotional needs?
Choose the LETTER that resonates with you the most from the given options to determine your mother archetype.
7 points
Select Best Answer
A. She validated and supported my emotions.
B. She minimized or invalidated my emotions.
C. She was emotionally unavailable or distant.
D. She made me feel guilty for expressing my emotions.
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