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Landowner Intake Form
Please fill out this form to give us a better understanding of your property and your goals for your land. This will help us match you with appropriate resources and/or candidates looking for land to buy or rent. Someone will respond via phone or email to do a more detailed interview.  All personal information provided is confidential. 
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Name *
What is your preferred email address?  *
What is your preferred phone number and days/times to call?  *
Where is your farm/land located (City/town, State, County)? *
Are you interested in selling? Renting? Or a longer-term transition? 
How many acres of land is available? *
Is there housing available? Please describe: *
Please give a brief history of enterprises your farm has supported and/or is currently supporting. (Examples: beef operation, organic vegetable production, fruit/orchard, row crops, etc).
Is the land you hope to transition Certified Organic? *
Is there water available on site? 
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Are there outbuildings/infrastructure available for use? Please describe:
What is your ideal timeline for executing a rental contract, sale, or transition? *
Farmland Access Hub listerv is an online discussion forum where landowners and landseekers can receive important land access and transition information, network, and connect directly about available farmland for sale, rent, or transfer. Are you interested in being added to the Hub's listerv? 
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