Tour Poster & CD packaging Questionnaire
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What is your first impression of the tour poster? *
Do you think that the black and white theme suits the genre and artist? *
Does the font suit the genre? *
Is there anything that the tour poster is missing? *
Would you stop and look at this poster if you seen it in the street? *
Do you like the design, and if not what would you change? *
Does the tour poster meet the codes and conventions? *
On a scale of 0/10 how would you rate the graphics used on the tour poster? *
What was your first impression of the CD packaging? *
Do you think that the images used help present the genre? *
Is there anything that the CD packaging is missing? *
Does the CD packaging look appealing enough to purchase? *
Do you think that it is a good thing that we have used the same font in both products? *
Do you like the design, if not what would you change? *
Does the CD packaging meet the codes and conventions? *
On a scale of 0/10 how would you rate the graphics used for the CD packaging? *
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