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Technology & Accessibility Student Survey
This form is an example of a survey you could give to your students at the start of the semester.

Create your own Google form using and modifying these questions for your own courses, or reach out to for instructions on copying this form.
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Your Name
What resources will be available to you during the semester? (check all that apply)
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Are you concerned about turning on your video during Zoom sessions, in terms of the internet bandwidth at your house?
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How do you feel about attending Zoom sessions with video on?
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What types of strategies for remote learning have your professors used in previous courses that worked best for you?
What are your ideas about creating community online with your peers? Please be specific about your ideas, including time of day, technology to be used and length of the activity.
Are you concerned about missing class due to family needs or working? Please explain.
Are there any health concerns for you, your family members or friends that you would like to share with me?
Do you have any access needs or disability accommodations that you would like me to know about?
Thank you for filling out this survey! If you have any other thoughts or concerns, please share them here.
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