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FCOA Trouble shooting page
quiz, problems with FCOA online registration:

  1. When I try to register and I click save, the page does not get saved and goes blank again:  Try again at a location with a better connection
  2. says a verification link got send to my e-mail but I haven't received it: Sometimes I can take up to 5 minutes for the email to arrive, also it can have done in to your junk folder
  3. When I try to login I get an "Expired 149" Message: This sometimes happens, usually if you login 3 times after each other you get past it.
  4. I can't request for certifications or personal records: Maybe you're not yet fully registered. Only fully registered members that have agreed to the liability release and have registered with their profile picture and a copy of their ID can use those functions. 
  5. I can't upload my profile and ID picture: Maybe the file size is bigger then 5mb or your picture is not a JPG format.
  6. I've been told to do a video quiz, but I can't find it: All learning materials can get found under "Digital Training" On that page scroll down till you see the quizzes and the video lessons. Realize that "the quizzes" are sperate links from the "Video Lessons"
  7. I can't find my certificates: You can find your certificates under you profile picture under "My Certificates" Be aware that the link "Certificates" is different, it explains the different levels but does not show your personal information.
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