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Cherry Hill Public Library Program Proposal Form
Please note that we will contact you if your program meets our needs at this time.  For questions regarding programming or this form, please contact
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Presenter’s name (or company/organization name): *
Email: *
Phone: *
Location of Presenter (city, state): *
Program Title: *
Description of program: *
Primary Purpose of Program: *
What credentials do you possess that make you an expert on your proposed topic? (Examples: academic degrees, professional certificates, formal training).
Intended Age of Audience: *
Are you suggesting an in-person or virtual program? *
Do you charge a fee for your program? *
. If yes, what is your fee?
Desired length of program: *
Presentation Format: *
Are you an author? *
If, yes, please provide book title(s) and publisher.
Have you presented at other libraries or organizations in the past year? *
If so, please provide the name of the organization, your contact’s name, and their phone or email for the three most recent presentations that you have given:
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