ECAWA Professional Learning: Offer to Present
Are you interested in making a real and practical contribution to the continuing development of the use of ICT in Western Australian schools by presenting professional development / professional learning opportunities for ECAWA members?

ECAWA is keen to offer the very best presentations and workshops throughout the year. Sessions are usually held after school or Saturdays, at various venues.

While the PD / PL programme is based around the contributions of the very experienced educators and presenters, we believe that it is important to encourage the participation of new presenters also.

If you are interested in offering a workshop, making a presentation, coordinating / leading a collaborative discussion or something similar, please complete this form as soon as possible.

If you would like any additional information or to discuss an idea for a presentation please contact 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Telephone number *
Mobile phone number *
(An 'out of hours' contact number for presenters is essential)
Topic of Proposed Presentation *
Style of Presentation
Are you able to host this presentation at your school / venue?
Proposed Venue
If you are able to host this presentation, please about the venue you propose.
Maximum Number of Participants
If you consider that you need to set a maximum number of participants for this presentation please state the number.
Resources Required
Please list all the resources / equipment / materials that ECAWA would need to provide if you were to make this presentation.
Resources to be Offered
What resources / hand outs, etc will you offer to participants?
Time Allocation
Please tell us how much time you would require for the presentation - but do not include morning / afternoon tea allowances in your estimate.
Is your preferred date
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Suggested Date
Would you like to suggest a date or dates for this presentation now?
Are you employed by, sponsored by or otherwise affiliated with any group that is associated with this presentation? If so, please provide some information about this.
ECAWA Membership *
Is there anything else you'd like to say?
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